July 22, 2012

Occupy Corporatism
The global Elite’s puppets are beginning to show their true alliances and rat out each other in an obvious move to find some sort of false sense of security.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently accused Huma Abedin, aide to Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State, as being an infiltrated spy for the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Bachmann says that the US government has been compromised by the MB and Abedin is working for “America’s demise”.
Bachmann pointed out that Abedin has “routine access to [Clinton] and policymaking.”
While her peers have been denouncing her claims, Bachmann asserts that her investigations into federal agencies has turned up conclusions that there is an obvious influence over intelligence operations with regard to foreign policy by the MB within the US government.
Abedin, who is of Pakistani decent, is married to House Representative Anthony Weiner who is Jewish. Weiner is a self-proclaimed Zionist , as he proudly stated: “Support for Israel was always a very big focus in my household growing up. I am a Zionist.”
Weiner has aligned himself with Morton Klien, president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and has continuously pushed pro-Israeli agendas on Capitol Hill while demanding that the US military assist Israel in fighting against any other Middle Eastern nation that is named as an enemy.
Both The US State Department and Senator John McCain are outraged by Bachmann’s comments; McCain calling the Congresswoman “specious and degrading” while the USSD stated the remarks were “vicious and disgusting lies.”
McCain is a member of the board of directors of the Soros funded International Republican Institute (IRI) which uses coercion of foreign governments to promote “US interests”. They strategically intercede with political agendas to ensure that other nations preform as the globalists would want them to and aid civil society in those nations to guarantee “good governance”.
McCain defended Adebin on a personal level, stating she is “hardworking and loyal servant of our country and our government. These attacks on Huma have no logic, no basis and no merit. They need to stop now.”
Bachmann, believing that there is an influential Islamic element in the US government, has written requests for information in the MB. This “deep penetration” into the US government was addressed in Bachmann’s speech at the Washington summit of Christians United for Israel , a pro-Zionist group masquerading as an evangelical support for Israel. Bachmann spoke to the audience about the ties between Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.
In April of this year, after Obama announced that the “war on terror is over” he inserted that his administration is working in tandem with the MB , who has been integral in the recent Middle Eastern uprisings. Placing Morsi into power in Egypt was a strategic move that the US has been known for; helping dictators like Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, and others get into positions where their actions can support the US/Israeli agenda to control the Middle Easter region.
In celebration of the elections, Obama gave the MB $1.5 billion in foreign aid to the MB. Having a terrorist group in control of this prominent Arab nation is a big coup for the Obama administration. This bribe is obviously a clear indicator that the MB will do the bidding of the US covertly, while appearing to be against the US government on the surface.
The Center for Security Policy (CSP) comes into play as a Washington, DC globalist think-tank that promotes “peace through strength”. CSP believes that “military might and a belief in America’s national power must be preserved and properly used . . . [as] a unique global role in maintaining peace and stability.”
In translation: America is the ultimate military might, policing the world for the sake of supporting peace. How this oxymoron became a credo is suspect.
The CSP strategically works with the USSD, although they claim to be a non-profit and non-specifically affiliated with a political agenda. They force governments to:
- Choose between supporting terrorism or their critical partnerships
- Coerce corporations to invest in (approved by the USSD) designated non-terrorist groups
- Advocate more military defense and nuclear weapons development for the sake of US by participating in UN arms control treaties
- Develop the War of Ideas Project that interjects propaganda that supports international relations and control into policymakers and defines who is an adversary
- Develop the Islamist Project aimed at singling out their predefined radical Islamic groups as terrorists, then creating fear-mongering around their new Boogeyman
- Develop Security and Democracy in Asia Project that promotes the unsubstantiated claims by the CSP that geopolitical control must be obtained in the Asian nations at all costs.
Previously both Ari Fleischer, President George W. Bush’s former spokesman, and Matthew Brooks, the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), were involved in recent pro-Israeli events to gain American support for the Zionist movement. Fleischer asserts about presidential candidate Romney: “I don’t want to have a president where we have to wonder does he or does he not have Israel’s back. The choice is between pushing Israel around as President Obama has done, and Governor Romney, who will stand strong by Israel’s side.”
Obama has made his stance on Israel known well with his push for HR 4133 where he gives the Israeli government:
- Full backing of US military for endeavors of Israel against her enemies
- Unlimited funds from the Federal Reserve Bank
- Special training and intelligence to assist Israel government in defeating their adversaries
The marriage of Israeli agendas in the Middle East to the military might of the US government is playing out as plans are being enacted against Syria and ultimately Iran in a move toward WW III.
In November, Israel and the US plan to hold a joint military training session in October of this year. Included will be military drills of thousands of soldiers and advanced anti-missile defense systems exercises. It appears to be coincidental that these “war games” will take place just prior to presidential elections in the US.
The two nations, who have become closer over the recent months, are planning to deal with Iran and Syria with as much aggression as they see fit.
A few military analysts have dubbed the drills a “dress rehearsal”, mocking the severity of Obama and Netanyahu’s campaign. Amidst the UN and US sanctions against the two Middle Eastern nations, there is a clear threat of military strike that would serve both the US and Israeli interests.
The preparations for an attack on Iran is being downplayed by the UN while the international community is escalating their claims that Iran’s supposed nuclear endeavors are a violation of treaties; as well as the Iranian government’s failure to properly cooperate with UN inspectors.
Bachmann, who is a supporter of CUFI and the Zionist movement, is preforming a part in the theater of psychological operations. The MB, who are poised to replace al-Qaeda as the next Islamic extremist group and Boogeyman for the American public to fear, are controlled by the Obama administration as part of their adherence to the Israeli/Zionist agenda. This fact validates Bachmann’s assertions that the US government has been infiltrated by a foreign entity. Yet the infiltration was purposefully enacted to the benefit of the global Elite in their march toward global governance by way of elimination of all sovereign nations.
Source: The Globalist Infiltration: Obama, Israel and the Muslim - BlackListedNews.com