While given no mention in western media, this NAM conference is very significant to those peoples of the countries under unprovoked, but contrived attacks of terrorism by the US, UK, NATO, and their collaborating Zionist allies. Sadly, don't expect to see any of the principals itemized below in the Republican Party platform.
The Five Guiding Principals for World Peace
26th August 2012
From 26th to 31st
August, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement is holding its 16th Summit
in Tehran, Iran, which many observers feel will be particularly important
considering the grave convulsions triggered by the “Arab Spring” – veritable
civil war-engineering by the Western Powers – throughout the Islamic World.
Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are welcoming over forty heads of state
and national and international leaders, including president Mohamed Morsi from
Egypt (who will hand over the Movement’s rotating presidency to Iran), UN
secretary general Ban Ki-moon (ferociously criticized by the US for his
decision to attend the Summit), and the presidents of India, Monmahar Singh and
Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari who will take this opportunity to have bilateral
meetings seeking to peacefully resolve on-going tensions between the two
nuclear powers.
Formed in Belgrade in
the former Yugoslavia over half a century ago, the Non-Aligned Countries
Movement had as its main ideologues true statesmen of the time as Egypt’s Gamal
Abdel Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru, Yogoslavia’s Josef Broz Tito and
Sukarno, the first president of Indonesia after it gained independence from the
In the midst of the
Cold War, these countries understood the urgent need to find a middle path free
from the pressures of the two superpowers of those times: the United States and
its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies. One of the fundamental
ideological premises of the Non-aligned Movement was that it rejected both
European materialistic worldviews - liberal Capitalism and collectivist Marxism
- alike.
Non-alignment as a
Political necessity had been brewing for more than a decade in countries like
Nehru’s India and Juan Domingo Perón’s Argentina. Perón had taken the initial
steps rights after the Cold War began in the late forties when he introduced
the “Third Position” as his country’s foreign policy, which maintained the
ideological imperatives of the two superpowers at arm’s length.
The Argentine people
would meet in Buenos Aires’ Plaza de Mayo central square to listen to Perón and
his wife Evita speak, boisterously thundering back their support of the “Third
Position” by saying “¡We don’t want Yankees, we don’t want Marxists: we are
A rather simplistic war cry maybe, but it
served Argentine workers to express their desire to erect a great Nation where
work – not usury or collectivism - would form the foundations of an Organized
As the years went by, the Non-Aligned
Countries Movement saw its ideological and Political fundamentals dragged
hither and dither, and distorted. This was often reflected by new members
joining and others leaving.
Nevertheless, periodic summits continued to
be held every three years, the last one held in 2009 in Egypt presided by Hosni
Mubarak, hardly a leader classifying as “non-aligned” considering his betrayal
of Nasser’s teachings as he accommodated to Egypt’s true adversaries, the US,
EU and Israel. Anyway, the Global Power Masters let go of his hand
and now he’s in jail: clearly, Rome does not pay traitors.
Also attending are other “non-aligned”
countries which are however quite aligned. Examples: Kim Yong Nam,
president of the People’s Assembly of North Korea, a country clearly aligned
with old Chinese Marxism; or Hamid Karzai, president & CEO of Afghanistan,
former consultant to UNOCAL – Union Oil Company of California, now Chevron – a
man very much aligned to the US, the UK (Queen Elizabeth II knighted him) and
the New York Council on Foreign Relations; or the foreign minister of
“liberated“ Libya (Muhamar Kaddafi too maintained a “Third Position” along the
lines of Perón… and look what happened to him!) .
Anyway, this Summit takes place at a crucial
time for the world in general and for the Middle East in particular.
Today, it’s no longer a question of opting between “Yankees or Marxists”,
because after the fall of the Berlin Wall in today’s Uni-polar world, the enemy
of peoples everywhere is no longer to be found to the left or to the right,
because that Enemy is now above all nations.
In the West, the Global Power Masters reign
supreme above all nations and governments - even over giants like to the US,
the UK, the EU and their allies - having embedded themselves deep into their
public and private power structures.
So, it’s no coincidence that these nations
condemn the Tehran Summit, just as it’s no coincidence that both Russia and
China are sending observers (historical modesty does not yet allow them to
openly seek full membership).
In the mid-twentieth century, Indian
president Nehru proposed five guiding principles which should govern the
Non-aligned Countries Movement which are as valid today as then:
- Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
- Mutual non-aggression
- Mutual non-interference in domestic affairs
- Equality and mutual benefit
- Peaceful co-existence
More than half a century later, how much
better the world would be if powerful nations as the US, UK, EU and Israel were
to abide by these five principles in their relations with Libya, Syria, Iran,
Afghanistan, the Balkans, Panama, Honduras, Iraq, Venezuela, Bolivia, Egypt,
Ecuador, Mexico, North Korea, Argentina, Sudan, Chile, Colombia, Somalia,
Puerto Rico…
Imagine if the US were to demand governance
amongst their multinational corporations and megabanks based on these very same
Imagine if instead of upholding hypocritical
double-standard policies of the “war on drugs and money laundering” and “war on
terror” – global scourges covertly promoted by the CIA, MI6, Mossad, fanned by
AIPAC, USAID and their powerful global media – the US and its allies were
to make these five fundamental principles the corner stone of their foreign
No doubt, the Iranian leadership will promote
a renovation of the Non-Aligned Countries Movement, rearticulating it to become
an increasingly balancing force in international relations, so as to mitigate
the violence, exploitation and death being imposed by the Western powers.
No doubt, Iran’s leaders will use the Summit
to seek new proposals for peace in the on-going civil war in Syria,
artificially imposed on them by the “democratic freedom fighters” profusely
armed and financed by the West.
No doubt, Iran’s leaders will also try to
deactivate the on-going showdown with the Western powers threatening Iran daily
with preemptive unilateral military attack, especially by war-mongering Israel
and its American puppets.
Iran, however, won’t be able to do this
alone. It will need the support and backing of today’s two key
superpowers: Russia and China.
Russia and China have attained something that
is crucial in global politics, which neither the US, UK, the EU nor, much less,
Israel has achieved: Russia and China have matured!
Maybe because they themselves were for many
decades one of the unjust Bipolar World’s "poles” that forced dozens of
countries to come together as “non-aligned countries”. That allowed them
make the necessary quantum leap that comes from healthy self-criticism and
Russia suffered the dire consequences of
Stalinist police-state control; China suffered the dire consequences of
Chairman Mao’s mass insectification (as Perón aptly called it). Both mass
sufferings made their people and leaders mature.
In a twist of irony, both extremisms –
police-state control and mass insectification – are now gathering in the West,
even if Washington, London and Tel Aviv used new words to define the same old
slavery they are trying to impose upon the world through blood and fire.
As president of the Non-Aligned Movement over
the next three years Iran has the opportunity of helping to bring some sanity
into the world, something crucially necessary if Mankind if not to burn itself
to a crisp in a third world war. That’s a task Iran can work on together
with Russia and China.
I believe they will make this happen. Amongst
other reasons, because contrary to the Americans who play poker – a game based
on deceit, traps and lies – the Iranians descend from the Ancient Persians who
invented Chess, a game based on intelligence, strategy and foresight.
Adrian Salbuchi
ÂAdrian Salbuchi is a Political Analyst,
author of several Books on Geopolitics, Speaker and Radio / TV commentator
living in Argentina. www.asalbuchi.com.ar