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Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism! *vid*

This video exposes how Israel and World Zionism is a hypocritical tribal, racist entity that not only oppresses the Palestinians, but seeks control of the whole world. We have attached the first page of 360 comments below. Be intellectually honest with yourself: are you really pro-Israel or pro-Zionist?

Do you know the difference? Your own country depends on whether you do.

  • Dr. Duke, it seems the Iranian president is onto something when he askes for investigation into the so called holocaust. What are your thoughts on this?
  • I think that there is no subject that should be off limits to research and investigation, no matter what the conventional wisdom. I also think that putting academics in prison for years for expressing a dissenting historical viewpoint is an illegal and horrific human rights violation. It is not the people with dissenting opinions who express them in a nonviolent way who should be imprisoned, but the suppressive governments who imprison them, and the media hypocrites who cheer-lead it!
  • It realy looks like the Zionist are the backers of the New World Order! 2% population controling about everything .thats amazing !
  • Not everything, thank God, but they they do have tremendous influence. I think unbridled Zionist power is the biggest danger to every nation, every people and every human right!
  • so the Jews were smart and got rid of the immigrants basically? kind of like what Europe and America SHOULD be doing to save ourselves? honestly, God bless the Isreal for having the balls to do what they did to save their country from being another multi culteral shit hole like everywhere else.
  • Sorry, but you have to be very, very dense, not to understand what is going on. Zionists all over the world work to open the immigration gates in whatever nation they live, but for some strange reason they are the most extreme racists on earth when it comes to their own Jewish bloodline. What should hit you is their absolute hypocrisy that reveals their hidden motivations. Why do they promote something for us that they know is bad for them? Maybe a light will come on in your head someday!

Top Comments

  • Racism, the real racism of suppressing or destroying races... is not okay, it should be opposed, but what you must understand is that the Ziomedia and government policies of European populated nations are racist, RACISTS AGAINST EUROPEANS.. why because the Zionist tribe wants to take over and control the West. To do so they must divide and conquer, change demographics and weaken European heritage so that their group can become the dominant group over the resulting Tower of Babel.
see all

All Comments (370)

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  • Thankyou for these videos sir. As a Palestinian, I'm truly grateful that there are still Americans in this world who have not been brain washed by their zionist led media and continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians.
  • Thank you so much for mentioning the fact that even Jews deserve a homeland. This is important for preserving the distinct human expressions of the world, and to show people that we are truly fair and consistent!
  • Dear David: I had no idea of these realities and facts until you brought them to the light of my mind. How frightening; how sinister and dark. I, too, support you in this fight. I will need to watch this several times to be fully able to take into stock all of the information. But just from the first time viewing it; I feel angry, and yet somehow, I also feel helpless and powerless. But I know I'm not; we're not. You're right: no-one ever speaks out about the blatant bias put out by Israel...
  • I'm glad that this video allows comments. Thank you Dr. Duke! Always know that there are White Americans who peacefully support you in the fight against zionist supremacy.
  • Thank you dr. Duke, you`re an ideal an an inspiration to me. In Germany, where I come from, we have nobody to speak out what is necessary, and if at all, they`ll soon sit in prison. Our battle against zionism seems to be impossible to win. My hope is slowly fading away. I think Germany isn`t to rescue anymore. This circumstance really makes me very sad. Anyway you got my best wishes and I hope that with your help the American citizens one day will be free of zionism for good and all. Greetings
  • Its funny how these zionists come to European countries and promote race mixing and "equality"(even though they get more rights than us whites) but when blacks come to their country they beat, rape, jail, then deport them. The title says it all, they are HUGE hypocrites and I believe their ultimate goal is world domination but not before exterminating the white race through propaganda and through the media. I guarantee they don't give a damn about blacks, thats why they want them all here.
  • Thanks for your work (videos,books,informations) .. Thruth is weapon!
    Greetings from beauftifull land of Slovakia - <3 europe="europe" of="of" p="p"> Sláva! (Honour!)