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Sgt. Tori Neeley with the Selma Police Department dusts the top of the Nathan Bedford Forrest Monument for fingerprints Monday after a large, bronze bust of Bedford was discovered missing. |

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Base of the proposed new monument in Live Oak Cemetery in Selma to honor former Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forest |
This harangue being organized against Southern Heritage has the stench of an Obama re-election campaign event. Playing the Race Card come election time has always been the trump card for Democrats and their communist allies.
More Leftists in Selma
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As the situation in Selma continues we find that more leftists are coming to the aid of those that wish to remove the Forrest monument. Now they claim the monument in on public property. All along I have been informed that it is on private property, land that is owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. So which is it? If it’s on private property they should not be able to touch it. If it’s on public property they will do whatever they want, any way they can.
It has been reported that the Selma City Council will meet this Tuesday evening, September 25th. It has also been reported that the president of the City Council is in favor of keeping the monument, which means he can expect to be bombarded with a cacophony of harangues by the political and religious left to change his opinion. Unless he is a man of unusually strong convictions (and many politicians aren’t) they will eventually shout him down and he will cave in rather than stand for what he believes is right. I don’t know anything about the gentleman personally so I can’t say. Some of the folks reading this may know him and where he truly stands.

Supposedly Ms. Sanders-Fortier has a petition to get rid of the Forrest Monument that has 300,000 signatures on it and they plan to march Tuesday and present it to the City Council.
There has been an alternate petition to keep the monument presented by the Southern heritage folks. I don’t know how many have signed that—a whole batch I hope.
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Comrades Jesse & Barack |
So now we have Rainbow/PUSH involved too. I’ve already dealt a little with the leftist foundations of the SCLC in a previous article which you all can read on this blog spot.
So let’s look briefly at Rainbow/PUSH. According to DiscovertheNetworks “Rainbow/PUSH is the result of a 1996 merger between two groups founded by Jesse Jackson. One was People United to Serve Humanity (PUSH), established in 1971, which advocated race preferences in the form of affirmative action. PUSH also helped sponsor a massive June 12, 1982 rally, organized by the Communist Party USA and the Soviet-supported U.S. Peace Council, advocating the dismantling of America’s military arsenal. The other organization was the Rainbow Coalition, formed in 1985 to counter policies enacted during President Reagan’s second term which Jackson deemed discriminatory against African Americans.”
Rainbow/PUSH has its national headquarters in Chicago—the city where staunch Republicans vote Republican until they die, after which time they begin to vote Democratic, early, and often.
Rainbow/PUSH tactics include the usually frivolous complaint about “racism” which they then follow up by public marches and protests and if that doesn’t get them their way they will threaten strikes, boycotts, etc. After all, the end justifies the means you know—at least in the Marxist mindset.
So if the council meeting this week does not get these people what they want—the destruction of yet one more bit of Southern history and culture, you can begin to get some idea of where they will go from here.
Make no mistake. These people are not going away. Even if they get the Forrest Monument removed, they will find something else in Selma or its environs that they don’t like and they will then use the same tactics to get whatever that is removed or its name changed. These people aim to neutralize your Southern culture and history and replace it with the mindset currently emanating from Washington.
It remains to see what the Southern response will be. As the man says of Southern heritage and culture “fight for it or lose it.”
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Source>> More Leftists in Selma