Sunday, 28 October 2012 11:07
By David Icke

It is no secret that Goldman Sachs runs Wall Street. After the first bail out, Goldman Sachs cut the head off of Shearson Lehman and several other Wall Street competitors when they used their undue influence to determine winners and losers after the first round of TARP.
Even Ray Charles could see that that Goldman Sachs are in near complete control of our government as evidenced by the former Goldman Sachs gangsters who have run our economy into the ground (e.g., Clinton’s Secretary of Treasury Goldman Sachs’ Rubin, Bush’s Secretary of Treasury Goldman Sachs’ “too big to fail” Paulson, etc.).'
Read more: The Relentless Evil of Goldman Sachs
VIA: The Relentless Evil of Goldman Sachs - David Icke Website