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Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Open Letter to Libertarians: Don't Be Fooled By Rand Paul

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Robert Wenzel

I'm still on the fence about Rand in 2016.

His endorsement of Romney really put a bad taste in my mouth and gave me pause as to where he is at.

A lot of Rand apologists have said that it was a necessary move to stay on the good side of the GOP elite, if he wanted to have a chance in 2016. They say that this is just a means to an end as a way to further the r3VOLution that his farther started.

But that has never been the Ron Paul way. Dr Paul never played ball and was frequently the lone voice of dissent in the GOP. Ron Paul always was guided by his principles and never did what was politically expedient.

The jury is still out on Rand.

While I wholeheartedly supported his 2010 Senate run and think he is still one of the most libertarian leaning members of Congress, I completely agree with Wenzel that Rand will get nowhere in the GOP if he casts himself as too libertarian.

What we need to realize is that the liberty movement gets nowhere if Rand, or any other of the other young guns, go along to get along with the GOP establishment.
Dear Libertarians,

There is a big difference between Ron Paul and Rand Paul that appears to be missed by many. Ron Paul was not hungry to be president of the United States. If he would have been hungry, he would have booted his grandson in-law and that entire gang out early on in the primaries when it was clear they were positioning themselves not to advance Ron Paul and liberty, but to advance their own  careers. Ron Paul just wasn't that hungry to do that and be president. He was satisfied getting the libertarian message out.

Rand Paul is different. It appears that he wants to be president. Wanting to be president changes a man, wherever they start off from.

This was Rand at the start of his political career, on the Federal Reserve and  Bilderberg.

After Rand settled in, this is what Rand did when questioned about Bilderberg.

Rand also enthusiastically endorsed elitist loser Mitt Romney. Remember this?

If you want to become president, you have one thing in mind, you need to get to 50.1% If you hold libertarian views and run on those views you are not going to be president. I dare anyone to run on completely libertarian principles and believe they are going to win. Go ahead. Tell voters you are in favor of legalizing heroin and LSD. Tell them that the U.S. government should default on its debt and relieve taxpayers of the burden. Tell them you want to end welfare and food stamps. Tell them you want to end the DEA, TSA, FDA, DOE, FAA, SEC, CFTC and the rest of the government alphabet soup agencies...