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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Israel sabotages Washington-Tehran direct talks

Israeli lobby groups and lawmakers in the United States are affraid that Barack Obama in his second term may decide to hold direct talk with Iranian leaders to end country’s 34-year-old confrontation with the Islamic Republic. Obama has been advised by some of his top military generals, security and economic advisers that Israel has become a “liability” for American interests in the Middle East and South America. These individuals include former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey and US-NATO commander in Afghanistan Gen. John R. Allen. In early October 2012, even the Israel-Firster Vice-president Joe Biden had irked Netanyahu by saying in public that both American and Israeli intelligence agencies agree that Iran is far removed from being able to produce nuclear weapons.

It seems recognizing the truth behind the Zionist warmongering rhetoric – Obama has started backpedaling recently by admitting that Tehran is pursuing uranium enrichment for civilian purpose only.