Christine, a Democrat, secured 65% of approval rating, higher than Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and 10% for her closest rival William Thompson, a Republican. New Yorkers are heavily Democratic and Jewish. Christine’s sex partner is Kim Catullo. Her bodyguard is Ms. Meghan Linehan, who previously worked for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Christine visited Israel in February 2012. she met Netanyahu and called him “gracious”. She also assured her Zionist hosts that they must believe United States stand behind Israel for its opposition to the Islamic Republic developing a nuclear weapon. She said she worries about country’s security issues, particularly following attacks this week in India, Georgia, and Thailand. All of them were carried out by Israeli Mossad and blamed on Iran. Read here.
The NY Senator David Storobin who appeared in an Israeli soldiers unform at Israel-Syrian border (Golan Heights) in August 2012 – doesn’t approve Christine’s lifestyle for Jewish girls. During an interview with the Jewish Press, he said: “Christine Quinn’s lifestyle is not what the parents would choose for their girls. Not just lifestyles, politically speaking and in many ways, those are not the values of the parents of these kids. I would never bring someone like that and point out that this is a role model for those kids.”
The only person who beat Christine’s rating, is – Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly (68%) who is notorious for dispatching his detectives to surveil every Muslim-owned business and community center in Newark. After over six year of surveillance NYPD could not find a single Muslim involved in terrorist activities. According to FBI data sheet, Muslims accounted for 6% of the total acts of terrorism inside the United States between 1980-2000 – as compared to 7% acts of terrorism committed by the Jews.
Christine not only supported Ray Kelly’s unlawful activities – she also pledged to continue this practice if elected to succeed Mayor Bloomberg. In fact, with the exception of Newark’s Democratic Mayor Cory Booker, as well as GOP New Jersey Governor Chris Christie – every Democratic and Republican politician worth mentioning, supported NYPD anti-Muslim campaign to please Jewish lobby groups.
Jewish writer, Glenn Greenwald, commented: “How would they react if the NYPD were compiling dossiers on entire Jewish communities or law-abiding Christian groups?”. He also sent three questions to Christine Quinn for her comments for her. Read here.
American writer, author and blogger Adam Bilzerian has this to say about Raymond Kelly: “Police commissioner Ray Kelly visited Israel on multiple occasions, including a visit in 2009, which Max Blumenthal (US Jewish writer, author and blogger) claims was to support the internationally condemned murder of innocent Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli Defense Force. In a visit in 2010, Kelly attended a racist gathering in which a Jewish academic, Martin Kramer, claimed that the blockade of food and medicine to civilians in Gaza was helping to reduce the numbers of “superfluous young men of fighting age.” He also said that, “If a state can’t control these young men, then someone else will.” The NYPD now has its own Israeli advised intelligence agency. In fact, the ties between Israel and the NYPD have become so deep under (Jewish Mayor) Bloomberg that NYC now has police officers in Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv gathering intelligence.”
Source>> New Yorkers to elect a Lesbian Mayor