The New Republican Left
by Al Benson Jr.
Ever since Tuesday, November 6th when we had that debacle charitably
called an election there has been much public soul-searching regarding
the Republican Party and its future.
Some have advocated that the Party "get rid of all that right-wing stuff" and move to the "center", which is really the left but they don't dare call it that. Others have advocated that real conservatives secede from the Republican Party and form a really conservative third party. Of these two solutions I would prefer the latter.
If the real conservatives did get out of the Republican Party then those who stayed in could just merge with the Democratic Party because they aren't all the different anyway. You could name them "the Republicrat Party." You would still end up with two parties.
Former presidential candidate Herman Cain wants a third party but he doesn't want the Ron Paul people in it. He says we need a "legitimate third party." The Ron Paul folks aren't legitimate? Why Herman? The Ron Paul folks are a lot more legitimate than what passes for the Republican Party at this point.
I said on on July 14th and September 30th of this year that I felt that Romney was going to toss the election to Obama and do a "John McCain" on us and that the Republican establishment had no problem with that. So far it looks like I might be right. I really wish I had been wrong.
But when you come down to it both major parties are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission--the one world government boys--and so both parties are essentially the same--two different wings on the same socialist turkey. Years ago George Wallace said there was not a dime's worth of difference between them. Turns out old George was right on the money.
Question is, if both of these "political parties" are controlled by a group that advocates the US being part of a one world government, the question could be asked, and rightly so, if either one of them are legitimate? The only major difference between them is rhetorical.
Maybe they should merge officially. That way we could see the Old Left, the New Left and the Republican Left all in one happy group and those that are pretending to be conservative could quit pretending and hoist the Red flag along with Comrade Obama and the rest. At least it would be more honest than what we have now.
by Al Benson Jr.

Some have advocated that the Party "get rid of all that right-wing stuff" and move to the "center", which is really the left but they don't dare call it that. Others have advocated that real conservatives secede from the Republican Party and form a really conservative third party. Of these two solutions I would prefer the latter.
If the real conservatives did get out of the Republican Party then those who stayed in could just merge with the Democratic Party because they aren't all the different anyway. You could name them "the Republicrat Party." You would still end up with two parties.
Former presidential candidate Herman Cain wants a third party but he doesn't want the Ron Paul people in it. He says we need a "legitimate third party." The Ron Paul folks aren't legitimate? Why Herman? The Ron Paul folks are a lot more legitimate than what passes for the Republican Party at this point.
I said on on July 14th and September 30th of this year that I felt that Romney was going to toss the election to Obama and do a "John McCain" on us and that the Republican establishment had no problem with that. So far it looks like I might be right. I really wish I had been wrong.
But when you come down to it both major parties are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission--the one world government boys--and so both parties are essentially the same--two different wings on the same socialist turkey. Years ago George Wallace said there was not a dime's worth of difference between them. Turns out old George was right on the money.
Question is, if both of these "political parties" are controlled by a group that advocates the US being part of a one world government, the question could be asked, and rightly so, if either one of them are legitimate? The only major difference between them is rhetorical.
Maybe they should merge officially. That way we could see the Old Left, the New Left and the Republican Left all in one happy group and those that are pretending to be conservative could quit pretending and hoist the Red flag along with Comrade Obama and the rest. At least it would be more honest than what we have now.
Source: The Copperhead Chronicle