November 23, 2012 at 12:43
With the ceasefire still in effect, Israel is going into panic mode wondering what they will do if they lose their victim status…
The following from the archives is from a few years ago, but its message is for today..
Western zionists are waking up in the middle of the night screaming, rattled by the same bad dream…. a dream called Israel. They are worried that their ‘little Democratic entity’ in the Middle East is being threatened by world opinion.
Every day my in-box is flooded with spam mails from zionists. This afternoon one arrived, one that I thought should be shared. It originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal, written by a non-Jew.
May their nightmares continue until the nightmare they created for the world ends!

This, of course, is not the reality of modern Israel. Israel does not seek to oppress or occupy—and certainly not to annihilate—the Palestinians in the pursuit of some atavistic Jewish supremacy. But the merest echo of the shameful Western past is enough to chill support for Israel in the West.
Of course not….. why would people think otherwise?