Unnamed French officials accuse the U.S. government of infecting
government systems with the Flame espionage malware during French
By Mathew J. Schwartz
November 21, 2012 12:59 PM
That allegation was leveled at the U.S. government by unnamed French officials, according to a Tuesday report in the weekly French newspaper L'Express. It reported that computers belonging to top advisers to then French president Nicolas Sarkozy had been hacked using the Flame cyberespionage malware, which was designed to be used in highly targeted attacks.
Continued>> U.S. Denies Malware Attack Against France - Security -
By Mathew J. Schwartz

November 21, 2012 12:59 PM
Did the U.S. government launch a "cyberattaque"
against French government computers in the run-up to the 2012 French
presidential election?