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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Do You or Family Members and Friends have the “Rent Seeker” Affliction?

Charleston Voice,  Bill Rummel, 12.26.12

There is nobody reading this who has not ‘had it’ with government intrusion into their lives in all forms of interference. Some will consider some of these invasive maneuvers “necessary” and warranted to help the needy, elderly, and infirm.  We must help those who cannot help themselves. Afterall, sharing what you have with the less fortunate is the ‘Christian thing’ to do.

But, is this really the central theme causing our wayward drift from individual liberty and happiness into serfdom? Are we still able to enjoy the ‘fruits of our labors’? Has saving your dimes and going without rewarded you those things you wanted by giving you peace in life? Financial independence, maybe?

Parasitic Rent Seeker
We’d guess not. Debasement of those saved dollars over time (price inflation) have destroyed millions of dreams for independence. We’ve been had by parasitic “rent seekers” and crossed into the dimension of serfdom.

I read that an “ethical person knows the difference between right and wrong, but a moral person lives it.” That admission of realism took me by surprise, setting me back to a basic tenet of rightful living. I’ll let readers sort its individual application for themselves.

As a people we are powerless by clinging to the collective belief that a government has a mandate to ‘provide’ for its citizens. Being possessed by this belief of deliverance we are not encouraged that America’s bequeathed freedom will ever be restored in this present living generation.  Suffice it to admit, but this ‘rent seeking’ mentality has taken hold in the American family and rotted its core values.

But, what we CAN DO as responsible mature adults is influence and stride to correct the wrongs among those whom we love and care for. This is where the optimism to get us back on track originates – with family and friends.

Follow your dollar to whom you lend help or give aid. 

Accountability for your savings must be expected and received from those beneficiaries.  Just because you may appear to have ‘more than you need’ does not mean a portion should rightfully go to them.  Are they heading in the right direction, or just offering up more excuses. Compassion with firmness called for. Don't throw good money after bad.

We’re light years from being a biblical scholar, but this message is soundly underscored in scripture Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard Matthew 20: 1-16. Shrug off those activist shrills to take back from the ‘rich’ or oil companies what is ‘rightfully yours’. It isn’t. You have no claim because you’ve done nothing to prevent your own government from stealing it from you. You’ll exhaust yourself intellectually and spiritually trying to follow your dollars with the IRS 1090! Give it up.

Turn your back on handouts from governments. They are no more than the fractured dreams stolen from others.

Bill Rummel, Editor