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Saturday, December 29, 2012

On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma

Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer Report
December 29th, 2012
Imagine being diagnosed with cancer, a genetic disease, or even age-related deterioration in the morning, given a single injection in the evening, and beginning your recovery the next day. No prescriptions, no lengthy treatments, no difficult decisions between finances and getting better. This is the promise of gene therapy, a promise already being fulfilled.

Image: One method of gene therapy – taking human cells, “editing” them genetically, and reinserting them into the human body where they will replicate and carry out their newly designed functions. (Microsoft Encarta Online Concise Encyclopedia)
Gene therapy is the identifying of faulty genes, be they inherent or mutations in the form of cancer or aging, and designing a vector to replace the faulty genes with fully functional, repaired versions of your genetic code. Once introduced, the corrected genes replicate themselves, displacing aged, mutated, or faulty versions. The technology is a double edged sword however – and can be used to harm just as well as help – in very profound ways. Public awareness and engagement in the emerging field of genetics is an absolute necessity to ensure this technology is used for good rather than profit, or worse yet, increasing death and disparity.
A Promising Sword Still in the Hands of a Dangerous Enemy  
The prospect of using the concepts behind gene therapy for genospecific weapons was mentioned in the Neo-Conservative Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) 2000 report titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (.pdf) which stated:
The proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles and long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will make it much easier to project military power around the globe.  Munitions themselves will become increasingly accurate, while new methods of attack – electronic, “non-lethal,” biological – will be more widely available. (p.71 of .pdf)

Although it may take several decade for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and  “combat” likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes.  (p.72 of .pdf)

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. (p.72 of .pdf)
This September 2000 document would also state (emphasis added) :
A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American policy goals and would trouble American allies. Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. (p.63 of .pdf)
Exactly one year later, the US would “serendipitously” experience “a new Pearl Harbor,” described as such by the very signatories of this report. This “catastrophic and catalyzing,” not to mention convenient, event was the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The “transformations” described by the 2000 PNAC document would then unfold in quick succession, including elements described under “cyber-space” warfare now demonstrably unfolding against  nations like Iran.
Likewise, ideological partners of PNAC at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), namely Jon Entine, constitute modern day Nazi eugenicists, who have literally penned articles advocating a renaissance of the disgraced inherently racist pseudo-scientific discipline while laying the groundwork for legitimizing genospecific policies – including in warfare. When it is time to present genospecific weapons to the public, it will be those like Entine at the AEI crafting the talking points.

Entine is also a tireless supporter of genetically modified organisms (GMO), more specifically the poisoned, dangerous products of big-agri giants like Monsanto and Syngenta. His website, the “Genetic Literacy Project” is a shameless clearing house for big-agri lobbying efforts - funded by big-agri. His ties to corporate-subsidized academia and corporate special interests indicates that his intentions to abuse this technology are not merely the rants of a single man, but an institutionalized agenda he serves as a spokesman for.

People like Entine thrive because of the vast and profound public ignorance surrounding genetics in general as well as topics including genetic engineering, gene therapy, and the threats and opportunities each represents. A real genetic literacy project, run by local DIYbio community labs (video), with hands-on projects and workshops, would go a long way in combating big-agri’s reality skewing “Genetic Literacy Project.” Tying these local groups with nearby institutions not only helps keep those on an institutional level honest, but also working in the best interests of the majority, with communities supporting them.
When lies are told by the likes of Entine and other paid-for faux-academics, a well armed population will be immediately aware of it. With a network of increasingly better equipped community labs, people will have the means of holding accountable corporate-giants, and combating their encroachments upon their communities in terms of agriculture and health care. In the light of truth, people like Entine and those he represents cannot operate with the impunity they now enjoy.
Image: Glybera – the first Western-approved gene therapy may treat a rare genetic disorder affecting the pancreas for an entire lifetime with a single treatment. One doesn’t need to stretch their imagination far to imagine the consequences this will have on big-pharma profiteering, nor the measures they will take to protect their interests. Ultimately, such treatments belong in the people’s hands – not special interests and the governments that serve them.