Part 2
About The Author - Tim Iacono, a retired software engineer living in Bozeman, Montana, is the founder of Iacono Research. (EconMatters author archive here.)
A couple people have asked me what the chart from the previous post would
look like using different time frames, so, a few more charts have been
prepared and are shown below, beginning with a start date of December
31st, 2002, rather than December 2000 as shown earlier.

Obviously, not as big a difference as when starting two years earlier, but still significant. There’s more…
Going back to Dec. 31st, 2004:

Back to Dec. 31st, 2006:

And going back to Dec. 31st, 2008:

There’s not much of a difference going back three years or less (i.e.,
starting out in Dec. 2009, Dec. 2010, or Dec. 2011), however, that
shouldn’t be surprising since it has been the steady positive returns
that make the difference for gold over the long-term and that’s all
we’ve seen for stocks and bonds in recent years.
About The Author - Tim Iacono, a retired software engineer living in Bozeman, Montana, is the founder of Iacono Research. (EconMatters author archive here.)