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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Witness Who Was Never Heard: Whittaker Chambers and the “News” Media

By Al Benson Jr.

Today, as we look at what we ludicrously call the “news” media any thinking person must realize that those people are  not in the business of giving us real news. What they do is to take current events and give them such a leftist spin that real truth is hardly recognizable anymore unless you learn to, literally, read between the lines.


All you have to do is observe the “news” media as their pundits fawn over our current Marxist-in-Chief, literally giving him a free pass on anything he should be questioned on.

They hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil about anything or anyone on the theological and political left while they stand in line waiting to bash anyone they remotely perceive as being “conservative.” I’m sure if they realized how markedly apparent their efforts are to many they would take more pains to cover their tracks—but then, maybe not. We may have gotten to the point where they don’t care anymore. It goes without saying that the real news they refuse to deal with is more vitally important than the drivel they spoon-feed us in the hope that we won’t know the difference.

In reading through Whittaker Chambers’ informative book Witness  you will find several instances where Chambers takes note of where the “news” media was coming from in his day, and it’s no different today except that today’s talking heads in the media are probably not Communist Party members—they only think like them.

Chambers noted, on page 474 of Witness that: “A few days later, a Time writer stopped me in the hall and asked me to join the Newspaper Guild. At that time, and for a long time afterwards, the Time  unit of the New York Newspaper Guild was tightly controlled by a small knot of Communists.” After Chambers told this man he had broken with the Communist Party he noted a distinct coolness on the part of this worthy gentleman and he said: “No doubt he checked at once. A few days later, the smear campaign against me was in full swing.” Chambers observed that at one point, most of Time’s  European correspondents joined in a “round-robin, protesting my editorial views and demanding my removal.” In other words, Chambers’ anti-Communist viewpoint disturbed them no end and they wanted to get him out of the way so the American people would not be exposed to his viewpoint. Then, as now, many in the media wanted a dumb and befuddled public who didn’t know what they didn’t know.

Chambers further stated: “The fight in Foreign News was not a fight for control of a seven-page section of a news magazine. It was a struggle to decide whether a million Americans more or less were going to be given the facts about Soviet aggression, or whether those facts were going to be suppressed, distorted, or perverted into the exact opposite of their true meaning” Just like today. Nothing has really changed.

When the Alger Hiss case came along, Chambers saw the same people lining up on the left to defend Hiss and smear him. The thing that amazed him was that most of those people were not even Communists. From the Communists he expected the smears and attacks but he got more from non-Communists. I’ve noticed the same thing today among some evangelical Christians. They question or deride anyone that exposes or comments on anything from the left of the political spectrum while they gently try to tell you that “the hard right has no interest in spiritual matters.” They may be right, up to a point. Many on the right have no interest in spiritual matters while some on the left do—but what is the root of leftist spirituality? It is little more than “Caesar is lord, therefore reject Christ.”

That is almost the sum total of left-wing “spirituality” yet many evangelicals buy into it because it seems to “loving.” May the Lord being these folks to the point where, like Whittaker Chambers, they can see the total evil of leftist theology, whether it be Communist or just socialist... More>