I was puzzled how senior banksters, corporate cabalists and traitorous politicians would ever feel safe settling back down in their home communities of record after the fleecing they gave to America.
by Dave Hodges

My sources, retired ex-feds, tell me that America is in much more danger than just a looming and catastrophic depression, resulting food riots and extreme government suppression of civil disobedience. Soon,if my sources are correct, nobody will be safe, not even the politicians. I would add that my sources, as revealed in part one of this series, are voting with their feet as they are joining other ex-federal official and several hundred Wall Street bankers by going into hiding in order to escape what they believe is coming.
Why the NDAA?
In part one of this series, I detailed about how I have learned that there are settlements of ex-federal officials who have gone into relative “hiding”, with some forming enclaves with like-minded people from the same background and professional affiliations. Uniformly, they seek to avoid the draconian imposition of martial law and accompanying gun confiscation.
The second phase of what is planned for America, following gun confiscation and martial law, contains a degree of oppression never before seen in our country and will rival some of the world’s darkest days.
This part of the story details how the government plans to get our guns. Gun confiscation is the primary short-term goal of the globalist forces which have hijacked our country.
Americans, in large numbers cannot be permitted to maintain private gun ownership. One of my sources states that the dark side of our government refers to private gun owners in America as the Viet Cong. The historical reference should be obvious as American forces were not able to subdue South Vietnam because the communist farmers by day became determined foes by night and no matter how hard American forces would try, they were not able to separate the Viet Cong from their weapon supplies. The globalists seek to avoid history repeating itself here in America... Continue reading>>