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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Catholic and 46 other Churches back Obama’s Gun Grab

Follow your money my friends...right to the collection plate! Be reminded: your church is most likely a tax-exempt IRS-chartered 501c & could have their tax subsidy cancelled w/o much cause! Could your church survive w/o a taxpayer subsidy? Plan on it if you're with the Lord before the State.

Catholic and 46 other Churches back Obama’s Gun Grab

by Dr. Ed Berry, aka Badass Berry
exb170Think you have a problem stopping Obama’s plan to take your guns? The problem is bigger than you thought.

The Catholic Church and 46 other churches support Obama’s effort to confiscate our guns. The New World Order has infiltrated our government, our scientific societies, our schools, and our churches. The NWO determines what people believe.

Catholic News Service reported the details on January 14, clearly stating that the Catholic Church’s position is “Firearms in the hands of citizens should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.”

I did not realize until reading this how much the Catholic and other churches disregard facts when they draw conclusions. By the way, we have a similar pattern regarding global warming. The following statements contradict what is proven to result when a government attempts to confiscate citizen’s guns.

The report quotes from the document, “Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice“, November 2000, says in a footnote:

“However, we believe that in the long run and with few exceptions — i.e. police officers, military use — handguns should be eliminated from our society.”
Tommaso Di Ruzza, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace expert on disarmament and arms control, said:

“The Vatican is one of just a handful of states that would like to see small arms and weapons included in the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which would better regulate the flow of conventional arms.”
Di Ruzza said more weapons in circulation makes it more likely terrorists and criminals will have guns, and that armed defense is appropriate for nations but not for all individual citizens in a state where rule of law is effective.

Di Ruzza shows the Catholic Church is illogical. Gun confiscation has never worked to the benefit of the citizens and never will. It will not reduce violence. It will work no better than prohibition or the drug war. Criminals will always get guns and the government will never find their guns.

According to the Catholic Catechism, the right to use firearms to “repel aggressors” is specifically sanctioned for “those who legitimately hold authority” and have been given the duty of protecting the community. Read more>>