"The carnival of corruption and fraud, the trampling down of decency, the rioting in the overthrow of the
traditions of a proud people, the chaos of hell on earth which took place beggars the descriptive powers of plain
history…I believe a committee of Congress, who took some testimony on this subject, estimated in 1871 the
amount of plunder which was extracted from the Southern people in about 5 short years---some $300 millions of
dollars in the shape of increased debt alone, to say nothing of the indirect damage inflicted by the many ways of
corruption and misrule which can not be estimated in money."
Hell is Empty and all the Devils are Here:
“As vultures sail in long lines from their roost (countless in numbers) to where the carcass is, so came in the
harpies and political adventurers to the carcass (the South) to embrace the colored citizens; and, hand in hand,
cheek by jowl, they entered the political arena and filled the capitols of the South. Every officer in the State from
governor to coroner was dismissed, and new appointments made.
The Legislatures became bacchanalian feasts to divide the spoils of office and increase the debts
of the States by selling State bonds to the amount of countless millions. They subsidized everything they could;
in short, they ate up or took possession of all that was left after the war ceased; and at last departed with
stolen wealth, and the execrations of all the honest people.
Perhaps in all the wide-world never again will be seen such malignant legislation, and mal-administration of law,
such trials in the courts…idleness of the laborers, immorality taught by men from the slums of Northern cities,
thirst for money, howling for office, insolence in office, creating anxiety of mind as to what a day might bring forth.
Add to this the formation of loyal [Union] league societies of Negroes, by politicians swearing them to
obedience to orders, bands of brothers and sisters, composed of blacks under white villains, to burn our towns and
murder the whites, the Ku Klux Klan of the whites for protection, and other kindred vexations and trials that made
the South the home of the spirits of pandemonium; so one could truly exclaim with Ariel:
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
A Clinton Scorned - "What Difference Does It Make"
Hell hath no fury... After an extensive 24,500 word hearing, it would appear we are not really any closer to knowing who knew what when and why we weren't told. However, while the invisible hand of the word-cloud fairy found it useful to highlight the words 'People', 'Think', and 'Know', perhaps it was Hilary's infuriated outburst (clip below) when pressed on what happened that sums it all up in her eyes: "What Difference Does It Make?" It seems that once again 'they' know what is best for us to know and not know... Furthermore, her discussion of the US growing presence in Africa fits tightly with our previous comments on the next investing horizon.
The hearing word-cloud:

But perhaps the only relevant statement in the entire theatrical presentation was the following:
Why is Africa suddenly so important to the US State Department? Perhaps it has something to do with this......we don't have assets of any significance right now on the African continent. We're only building that up. And so what do we need in Africa? What countries will welcome us there, give us, both our military and civilian teams, a good, safe base out of which to operate? So we're focusing just on Africa, and particularly North Africa right now