The Libertarian Future | Ron Paul
by misesmedia 1 month ago
Featured Playlists
Are Profits Evil?
The late philanthropist Jeremy S. Davis made possible this seminar on economics for high school students, featuring lectures by Robert P. Murphy and Peter G. Klein. Presented in Houston, Texas, on 25 January 2013.

The Truth About War: A Revisionist Approach
The 2012 Ludwig von Mises Institute Supporters Summit. Recorded 26-27 October 2012, at Callaway Gardens, Georgia. Featuring Congressman Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Lew Rockwell, Doug French, Gary North, Tom Woods, Bob Higgs, Joe Salerno, Walter Block, Tom DiLorenzo, Yuri Maltsev, Peter Klein, David Gordon, Mark Thornton, Jeffrey Herbener, Butler Shaffer, John Denson and Gary Schlarbaum.

Mises University 2012
The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School tradition. Presented by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 22-28 July 2012, in Auburn, Alabama.

2012 Austrian Scholars Conference
The Austrian Scholars Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School of economics, and is for scholars interested or working in this intellectual tradition. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, 8-10 March 2012.

The Mises Academy
The Mises Academy is the online teaching service of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, designed for students of all ages. The Academy advances the scholarship and teaching of liberty using digital media. Classes have an economics focus, but cover history, philosophy, law, politics, literature, and more.

The Mises Circle in Houston
The Mises Circle in Houston, hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis. Recorded on Saturday, 14 January 2012, at the Hilton Post Oak in Houston, Texas. Featuring Douglas E. French, Robert P. Murphy, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, and Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Economics in One Lesson
Recorded during the 2008 Mises University, Jeffrey Tucker interviews leading Austrian Economists on the topic of Henry Hazlitt's classic book "Economics in One Lesson."

Mises Institute Media - YouTube