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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice *video*

This doc­u­men­tary proves that the U.S. gov­ern­ment-​in­clud­ing the FBI and DOJ-​are to­tal­ly cor­rupt and in­volved in se­ri­ous felony crime and the out­ra­geous cov­er-​up of truth con­cern­ing the mys­te­ri­ous crash of TWA Flight 800 on Ju­ly 17, 1996. As you will see, Flight 800 was ac­tu­al­ly de­stroyed by a sur­face-​to-​air mis­sile. Ev­ery al­le­ga­tion made in this film is backed up with facts-​none more dra­mat­ic than those that come from the Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment it­self.

You’ll learn what the 736 of­fi­cial eye­wit­ness­es ac­tu­al­ly saw; why avi­a­tors re­ject the CIA “car­toon” ex­pla­na­tion; how the Feds crim­i­nal­ly sup­pressed re­port­ing; the crit­i­cal wit­ness draw­ings; the rigged NTSB hear­ings; the damn­ing radar da­ta and doc­u­men­ta­tion; the al­tered phys­i­cal ev­i­dence; un­de­ni­able proof of ex­plo­sive residue prov­ing a mis­sile strike; the sting­ing re­port from the ma­chin­ist union; and much more!

  Watch more videos: Underground Documentaries