Sunday, May 26, 2013
With Anthony Wile
Introduction: Andrew ("Andy") Hoffman, CFA joined Miles Franklin as marketing director in October 2011. For a decade, he was a US-based buy-side and sell-side analyst, most notably as an II-ranked oil service analyst at Salomon Smith Barney from 1999 through 2005.
Since 2002, his focus has been entirely on precious metals, and since 2006 has written free missives regarding gold, silver and macroeconomics under the moniker "Ranting Andy." Prior to joining the company he spent five years working as an investor relations officer or consultant to numerous junior mining companies. An archive of Andy's "RANTS" can be found on the Miles Franklin Blog.
Daily Bell: Hello again, Andy. Let's jump right in..
Andy Hoffman: It's always a pleasure to speak with one of the best alternative media outlets!
Daily Bell: What's going on with gold?
Andy Hoffman: As the END GAME of fiat currency collapse approaches, we have seen the most concerted "Cartel" attempts yet to suppress PAPER gold and silver prices. I have been an expert on this topic for eleven years; and NEVER has it been so blatant. Just look at these graphs of what I call "THE 2:15 AM" and tell me if you think something nefarious is NOT going on...

Daily Bell: Are we embarked on another downward leg?
Andy Hoffman: At current prices, PMs are as oversold and undervalued (relative to global MONEY PRINTING) as at any time in history and such fundamentals will only grow more bullish each day. Moreover, the PHYSICAL and PAPER markets are starting to separate. Thus, it's difficult to believe there's much downside here; certainly in "DOLLAR-PRICED GOLD."
Daily Bell: Is gold finished as a wise investment?
Andy Hoffman: I have never considered my PHYSICAL gold and silver (all I own) to be "investments." They are MONEY; or otherwise, INSURANCE. Given the increasing risks of a collapsing global economy and maniacal market manipulation, I have SCREAMED for years for people to avoid "PAPER PM Investments" like mining shares and ETFs. Given those factors, who knows what PAPER PM Investments will do? However, PHYSICAL gold and silver have lasted as money for 6,000 years; and certainly won't lose that distinction amidst the broadest, most intense MONEY PRINTING ORGY in world history.
Daily Bell: Why are gold and silver so controversial now among some investors?
Andy Hoffman: They are not controversial at all. The "evil troika" of Washington, Wall Street/London and the MSM have combined to vilify it since the gold standard was abandoned in 1971, but particularly since the dollar's purchasing power really started plunging at the turn of the century. "TPTB" will fight gold and silver to the death; as it represents the greatest threat to their hegemony. However, as always, they will lose.
Daily Bell: Wall Street and central bankers seem to hate gold and silver. Why?
Andy Hoffman: Bankers benefit the most from fiat currency regimes, as THEY receive the free government money (and bailouts), NOT us. In this particular regime, bankers have taken over governments (just look at where the past five or six Treasury secretaries came from), and thus, they REALLY have a lot to lose if gold and silver reassert their historical roles as money.
Daily Bell: Is gold just another commodity? How is it different?
Andy Hoffman: Yes, it's a "commodity" in that all gold is alike. But that's where the definition ends; as in gold's role as MONEY, it has no peer (other than silver). In that world, it is the FIAT CURRENCIES that are commodities; printed out of thin air, for free.
Daily Bell: Do gold and silver track other commodities or do they tend to go their separate ways?
Andy Hoffman: TPTB want you to believe they move with other commodities, certainly when they are falling. However, over time the only "commodities" gold and silver consistently correlate with are themselves – and perhaps, platinum.
Daily Bell: Are stocks and bonds safer than gold these days?
Andy Hoffman: LOL. What happened to stocks in 2000 and 2008? Of course, with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets (i.e, the "PPT") supporting stocks and the Fed supporting bonds (via QE) while the Exchange Stabilization Fund (i.e, the "gold Cartel") attacks gold, it may seem so in the short term. Come back a few years from now and ask that same question.
Daily Bell: Should people just invest in stocks now? Or bonds?
Andy Hoffman: Sure, why not buy stocks amidst the worst economic conditions of our lives, at the highest P/E ratios I have seen in my 24-year Wall Street career, not to mention, bonds with all-time low yields amidst all-time high (and rising) inflation. Don't worry; the government couldn't possibly screw their market-support operations up.
Daily Bell: When will gold and silver rebound, if ever?
Andy Hoffman: "If ever"? Quite the harsh sentence for the ONLY asset that has ever survived as MONEY throughout history. For all I know, the PAPER price will go down further; but the harder the Cartel pushes, the stronger the (ALREADY ALL-TIME HIGH) PHYSICAL demand will get. That said, the "commercials" have been aggressively covering shorts for months so clearly they are positioning themselves for higher prices. That said, I care not when they turn, as I KNOW they eventually will – probably much sooner than most think.
Daily Bell: Are gold and silver still in a bull market?
Andy Hoffman: Of course. They have risen for 12 straight years, and the fundamentals (and valuations) have NEVER been more bullish. But the REAL question should not be whether or not gold and silver are still in a bull market but alternatively, do you believe FIAT CURRENCIES' bear market is ready to turn around. Sorry if it sounds patronizing, but ROFLMAO.
Daily Bell: Should people understand that their positions in gold and silver are not going to gain much in the near term?
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