Be sure to read the embedded links in this Marco Rubio article. You will come away with a different idea of who is on our side.
More evidence that Marco Rubio is a trojan horse plant.
Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR ~ ~ Fred Brownbill.

Economy Magazine.
Cesar Conda had been spinning lies about the amnesty bill about how illegal wouldn’t get welfare, wait more than 10 years for citizenship, etc. Those lies have been completely debunked.
Another Rubio spokesperson, Alex Conant, recently compared illegal aliens living and working in this country to the institution of slavery.
So now you understand why Marco Rubio is so gung ho for amnesty. He surrounds himself with a George Soros monkey like Cesar Conda and other idiots like Alex Conant. Sad that Rubio is turning to be such a huge disappointment. At this point, he doesn’t seem much different than Charlie Christ.
Even the left wing media is in love with Conda. Check out this gushing review of him by leftist biased National Journal:
Conda has one of the toughest jobs in town right now: He has to help Rubio negotiate an immigration bill with the rest of the Gang of Eight that will be palatable to Republicans and not damage his boss’s conservative credentials in the process. “That’s a tough circle to square, but I think Cesar is the right man for the job,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of the pro-immigration reform group America’s Voice. “Rubio is really lucky to have Cesar Conda as his chief of staff.” Conda, known among colleagues for his even temper, has been working on the issue since the early 1990s when he was part of a group of young, libertarian-minded, pro-immigration conservatives. His government experience runs deep: He worked for former Sen. Spencer Abraham, R-Mich., and was an aide to Vice President Dick Cheney. He also spent time in the private sector as a lobbyist and analyst for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and founded the Washington office of a consulting firm called Navigators Global.
The left must think of Cesar Conda as their Hispanic Obama or something.