Posted by Michael Lotfi
February 24, 2014
PHOENIX, February 24, 2014– Today, the Arizona State Senate passed a bill that would legalize gold and silver as legal tender, moving the legislation on to the House for consideration.

SB1096 passed by a vote of 18-12
A similar bill was introduced last year. The bill passed both the House and Senate and made it to the Governor’s desk – where Jan Brewer ultimately vetoed it. It’s important to note that SB1096 is not a mandate, but simply would allow the people in Arizona to exchange goods and services, for gold or silver, without additional fines and taxes. [READ BILL TEXT HERE]
The Arizona House will now take up the bill, where it will need to be passed to make it back to the governor’s desk. Supporters say that a full year of pressure and outreach makes passage and a signature, while still difficult, more likely.
SOURCE benswann