Whether it’s the Fourth or Second Amendment, it is essential that law enforcement personnel within every department around the world recognize the most basic of our rights. As we face insane attacks on these rights, such as police officers speaking about how they simply cannot wait to break down our doors and confiscate our legal firearms, it’s now more imperative than ever to demand that our rights are respected and followed. We do this through the power of the media, the utilization of our First Amendment, and through supporting organizations that stand for these key realities.

Ultimately, I found that the new ‘Patriot Badge’ company really could help shift our active police officers within this nation towards a Constitution-based foundation. Without any pay or other compensation, I wanted to share the story of Patriot Badge — now on a grassroots funding campaign to get started.
Here is a message from the founder, Todd Morgan:
“I’m Todd Morgan, founder of Patriot Badge. Last Spring I came across the film “DISARMED: A History of Gun Control”, produced by Anthony Gucciardi of StoryLeak and Michael Termale of Michael Shane Media. I was blown away by this films quality, journalism, and commitment to spread truth and liberty. I really identified with this film, what Anthony and Storyleak stand for, and was really excited to reach out to Anthony on the subject of the Patriot Badge.
Recently a dear friend of mine and police officer was conducting a regular highway speeding citation. The offender was unprepared and was fiddling around in his glove compartment. The officer became startled, thinking he was reaching for a weapon. As he jumped back, he was hit by a tractor trailer and was killed. All of these actions could have been mitigated with a product like ours. I too also have experienced the tension and fear during traffic stops, so I decided to create a product that helps protect and empower both citizens and law enforcement.
Patriot Badge is a law enforcement support emblem that affixes to your car’s license tag. The badge displays your support of Law Enforcement and the 4th Amendment Power Pack equips you with the tools to stop illegal searches, while using traffic stop protocol to reduce the dangers our law enforcement officers face.
The badges let officers know of your support and your pledge to follow traffic stop protocol, mitigating dangers by showing respect and being prepared. The wallet rights cards and written notice of “no consent to search” stops any attempt to search without reasonable cause, protecting your valuable 4th amendment rights, and making any interaction with officers much more comfortable and courteous.
After years of development and endorsements, we are excited to announce our badges are now available to the public through grassroots funding on Indiegogo, America’s largest crowd funding campaign. We need your help to launch our badges and to empower citizens!
Please take a few moments to check us out and view our short explanation video on our Indiegogo page. You can help by not only purchasing the products but by also sharing our campaign with your friends on social media. The more thumbs up (Likes) we get on Facebook and Twitter, the more likely we will be featured on the Indiegogo homepage boosting our success. There are also some great perks for participating.
With all the intrusion into our privacy through wiretapping, our phones, surveilling our emails and so on, we have to become proactive in protecting our rights. A traffic stop can be a very intimidating experience and if you’re not prepared it can become very expensive and intrusive. So protect and empower yourself and your loved ones with the Patriot Badge 4th Amendment Power Packs.
Thank you for your support and thanks to Anthony Gucciardi and Storyleak for supporting our liberties.”