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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The US Communist Political Plan for Bringing Down America

As for us, we see the Republicans just as culpable for our slide into anarchy for knowing of this Conspiracy, but taking no action - not even making Americans aware. There's plenty of treason to go around.

Cloward and Piven On the Border–and Elsewhere

by Al Benson Jr., from Revised History

Some who read this will, no doubt, have heard of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, who were, at least at one point, married to each other.  They are a couple of radical sociologists who were once both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. Now there's a dandy title for an "institution of learning" if ever I heard one, and it will, no doubt, cover a multitude of sociological sins the professorial elite would rather we ordinary folks remain unaware of.

At any rate, Cloward and Piven came up with a political strategy that, according to "…called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to the replacement of the welfare system with a national system of 'a guaranteed annual income and thus and end to poverty'." In other words, redistribution of the wealth–socialism. No wonder the current administration loves it!

An article on observed: "In a 1966 article in Nation, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, sociology professors at Columbia University,  wrote that  capitalism should be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met.  The strategy is to collapse the financial system. The tactic is chaos. If a crisis does not exist, create one. The more chaos the better…In 1967 Cloward and Piven founded the National Welfare Rights Organization to increase the numbers of people on the welfare rolls. Through a series of sit-ins, demonstrations, picket lines and occasional rock-throwing, smashed glass and broken furniture they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams." They were so successful in New York City that the city declared bankruptcy in 1975.

Cloward and Piven's strategy was taken to the streets by a black radical named George Alvin Wiley. According to "Wiley was just getting PRAC (Poverty Rights Action Center) up and running when Cloward and Piven began promoting their 'flood-the-rolls, bankrupt-the-cities plan in the activist community, Cloward and Piven believed that their plan could spark a nationwide movement. To lead the movement, they sought an experienced organizer with vision, charisma and–most important of all–street credibility with inner-city blacks.  That organizer turned out to be George Alvin Wiley."             
                          for full image enlargement, go here

With this bit of background, what it is important to note here is that, right now, the Obama Regime is using the tactics of Cloward and Piven to work this carefully-constructed border crisis with the illegals around to where they want it. In an article on for July 8th, by Melissa Melton the headline reads: "Congressmen: Yes, Obama is using Cloward Piven strategy to Collapse the System." The article continues: "In regard to the sudden illegal immigrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, two Congressmen have gone on record to confirm that President Obama is indeed using a Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm America, WND (World Net Daily) is reporting…But there are just three very basic examples floating around the news lately that get the idea across easily enough.  Not only did DHS put out a purchase order for escort services for 65,000 unaccompanied alien children all the way back in January…And not only does the 2015 Department of Justice appropriations report, also released earlier this year, ask for funding for 'a pilot unaccompanied alien children program…But now, in direct contradiction of what the administration is telling the American public, a recently leaked Homeland Security memo admits the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior' and this plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring. So, in essence, our government officials knew this wave of illegal immigrants were coming to our borders, and they planned for it well before it hit, because they've known for quite some time the Obama Administration's policies are causing it to happen."

So, folks, they knew all this was coming because it was all planned ahead of time.  This is not accidental, folks, this is all on purpose. It has created chaos on the border and that's what Obama and his handlers are looking for–chaos.

Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas has noted that Obama studied the chaos strategy at Columbia and is "trying to do a Cloward-Piven thing with the border." The alternative media has reported Rep. Stockman's comments. I doubt that the regular "news" media will even touch them.

Also, some are labeling this situation as a potential pandemic,  because many of these illegals coming across the border have all manner of diseases and they are not being properly quarantined away from healthy people. But that will contribute to the chaos, so look for that to continue. Even some Border Patrol whistle blowers are speaking up, despite threats from the Obama Regime that they will lose their jobs if they say anything to anyone. Makes you wonder where all that "transparency" Obama bragged about before he got elected has gone.

And they're not only doing this on our Southern border.  It's even going on in some rural areas in Michigan, of all places. An article on said: "The current crisis on the Southern border,  involving tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala has now become a concern for Michiganders who live in a rural community
Vassar City Hall at Christmas
with less than 3,000 people. Wolverine Human Services, a social services agency which typically helps needy Michigan children, is in the process of securing a contract and negotiating with the Office of Refugee Resettlement to bring between 60-120 male illegal immigrants between the ages of 12-17 to the small city of Vassar without any input from residents of the community.  

About 100 concerned citizens, some bearing signs, gathered outside the Vassar City Hall last night to let public officials know what they think."

U.S. Rep. Candice Miller issued a statement which said, in part: "This crisis began when President Obama acted outside the law offering legal status to children who entered America illegally along with their parents. This caused many throughout Central America and Mexico to believe that all children needed to do was to reach our border and they could stay,  and so countless thousands began to send their children on the harrowing journey north."

So Obama broke the law doing this. So what? Anyone think that will make any difference? Whose going to prosecute him? The "justice" (just us) Department? They're part and parcel of the whole deal.  Anyone still remember "Fast and Furious?"

The thing we have to keep in mind is that this is being done on purpose.This will help to reduce this country to a dithering, incompetent, impotent giant–and that's what it's really all about.

The "dictatorship of the proletariat" is just around the corner, folks, I hope all of you who did nothing to prevent it will enjoy what you end up with.  Prayer to the Lord, and repentance for our laziness, is the only thing that might save this country–and that's something that should have been done at the beginning.