Much of the thought about the
roles of Church and State assumes that those who reject God function in a
religious void.
What if a religious void does not
exist? What if every human being centers
faith in something making everyone religious?
What if the distinction isn’t to believe in God or not to believe in God
but which god? What if when a government
refuses to submit to the Creator of the Universe it simple takes His place and
becomes the de facto deity?
If the Creator of the Universe is
sovereign He controls His creation; He makes the laws, selects His servants,
and determines right and wrong!
When the government makes the
laws, selects its servants and determines right and wrong is it not functioning
as a deity? Might the same be said of an
individual? When law is determined by
human beings are they then not functioning as gods?
What if when we reject the
Creator and His Law we are not rejecting religion but only changing to another
Most Christian religions consider
the Bible to be God’s Word but they reserve the right to select what parts they
believe and what parts they reject. Few
read God’s Word as a legal document that sets forth the Will of God on every
page. Few actually believe that God
created the world and everything in it in seven days and that He is sovereign
and in charge of His creation; that Christians are a chosen people, selected
just as God selected His servants throughout the Bible.
What if the dominate religion in
the United States is humanism – where the creature rather than the creator
makes the laws and determines right and wrong both individually and as an
elected government official?
There will be no change in the
direction of government until there is a change in the moral standards of our
society. Immoral people require
tyrannical government. Policemen become
brutal and oppressive when society is disobedient and rebellious. Government becomes tyrannical because it is
not tied down by an immutable legal standard.
An immoral populace votes for
lying representatives and lying representatives depend on an immoral populace.
We are living in a nation that is
ostensibly governed by a document created by the hands and minds of men with no
reference to the Will or Law of an Overarching Deity. Freedom of religion is encoded within its
pages and provisions for taxing citizens.
The unrestrained ability to tax
puts the ability to destroy in the hands of an agency that has always used its
Freedom of religion means that
all religions are welcome; including Islam.
Islam, however, is not the major problem. The major problem is the religion of humanism
where the godhead is centered in the minds of men and the majority of the world
is populated by human gods who are in constant conflict.
When the Constitution attempted
to create a neutral government by banning the promotion of religion they set up
a humanistic government restrained by what President George W. Bush described
as a g— d----- piece of paper.
Fallen humanity is not able to
govern itself. Peace and prosperity will
never become reality until the American people understand that they and the
government they create must be bound by God’s Law.
All of the players who seek the
throne of the United States of America are power seekers. All will use the power to coerce. History overflows with humanistic power
centers that have enslaved, tortured, and murdered their subjects. Revolutions are fomented by individuals who
believe they have the proper solution.
They will coerce. All proffer
opinions are latent coercers.
Tyrants come from both secular
and religious perspectives. The intent
to promote religion can become tyrannical as easily as the intent to ensure
secularism. It is the accumulation of
unrestrained power in the hands of self-righteous humans that is dangerous.
When power is sought by the state
the productivity of the society is sacrificed.
In the quest to garner and maintain power the productivity of society is
lost. Coerced citizens make slovenly
When both the state and the
citizens are restrained by God’s Law the freedom that results allows society to
produce abundance. Power is willingly
granted to the Righteous God and His unchanging legal standards govern His
creation. That is the road to peace and
prosperity; the only road!
R. J. Rushdoony writes, “The
state can never rise above its moral level.
If it rules by man-made law, promotes abortion, homosexuality, and
humanism, the level it seeks will be steadily lower unless Christians reverse
the trend.”
It is not surprising that we have
legalized abortion and homosexuality.
Our society is a fiat society; we have a fiat currency, we have fiat
law, we have fiat representatives, and a fiat President. Nothing is set on a sound, immutable
foundation. Our currency is controlled
by the avarice of human power, our laws are set by pagan lawyers using faulty
human reasoning, our elected officials act in their own private interests
instead of those of their constituents, and our President failing to protect
the people instead enhances the interests of the power brokers. It is total confusion!
A Republican landslide will not
solve our problem; it will only bring us more of the same – government
interference in our private lives, government coercion of Christians, perpetual
war, irrational immigration, world government, and lies upon lies, upon lies.
“Fiat money, --- means a
constantly changing standard of measurement; the whole economy is thereby
falsified and rendered unjust. The same
is true of fiat laws, whether in church, state, or any other realm. Fiat or man-made laws simply enact injustice
and codify it into the life of a society.
Man-made laws are false measures.
Fiat money and laws make all of a society’s operations move steadily
from justice to injustice. All laws
legalizing abortion and homosexuality, thus, represent false measures and
injustice.” R. J. Rushdoony
Political solutions are useless,
we are involved in a religious war that requires a religious solution; anything
else will steepen the slope into confusion and morbidity.