Facebook’s new privacy policy lets it track you even when you are not on Facebook. Facebook is making users sign up for new privacy policy that allows it to track users everywhere on the Internet. This is really bad news for privacy lovers. Facebook has just updated its privacy policy which allows Facebook to track you, the Facebook user activity even after you have left Facebook website to surf other pages. And more over you have already agreed to it without knowing it.
Facebook's new policy allows it to gather data about you, from across the internet. This is in addition to the normal data it generally gathers when you post something or add friends to your network. The new privacy policy has such provisions that, Facebook now pass this information with its subsidiaries like WhatsApp and Instagram.
Readers may not know that Facebook had already announced the new privacy policy last November but it is being implemented from Friday. You may be surprised as to why Facebook did not notify you, but it so happens that you are deemed to have agreed to the new policy once you log into Facebook.
Facebook management says that the new policy will help it tabulate data which can be used to serve precision adverts to the users and avoid serving unwanted information to them. The saving grace is that you can opt out for some parts of the new policy by customising privacy settings. You can visit Facebook website settings page here and opt out of advertising that is shown on third party sites or is selected by comparing you with your friends. If you want to opt out of Facebook tracking your use when you are not on Facebook, you can opt out by visiting individual pages listed in the privacy settings page for respective countries.
Digital Advertising Alliance - Consumer Choices OPT OUT
via digitalmunition