Alex Jones
Tuesday, October 04, 2011 – by Staff Report
The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately "rich," ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to 'fight' the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class – the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers. – Infowars Press Release/articleDominant Social Theme: The issue of Money Power is one of fundamental fairness and this needs to be addressed by a sustained attack against the greedy people on Wall Street and the banksters in general.
Free-Market Analysis: Libertarian 'Net publisher Alex Jones (left) has plans to appear at three Federal Reserve branches in Texas – Dallas, Houston and San Antonio – to protest the ongoing abuses of fiat-money, often called Money Power. He is calling on others to join him and has listed the times and locations of his protest at his websites, Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.com.
Jones' focus on central banking stands at least somewhat in contrast to the well-meaning protests by Occupy Wall Street, which are spreading across the country (and even around the world) and gaining significant media attention. Jones, in fact, stands athwart a foundational meme of the Anglosphere power elite – that any aspect of modern society can be questioned with the exception of modern Money Power. It is the fifth rail of modern civil society, so its questioning is a fundamental act of revisionism.
Unfortunately, the current iteration of Occupy Wall Street doesn't seem to put a lot of emphasis on ending central banking. A visit to the main Occupy Wall Street website reveals numerous demands placed in the "Forum" offered by the website, but many of them are tinged by Marxist rhetoric. There is also a good deal of confusion over who is behind the protests or aligned with them.
In fact, it is difficult to determine what the Occupy Wall Street movement is about other than anger at the system as it is and a determination that Wall Street "fat cats" are responsible for the misery of the "99 percent" and ought to suffer some sort of punishment. Solutions being offered often feature government action.
Too few messages on the Forum clearly state that central banking – and the Federal Reserve – are the main problem facing Western society. "Anonymous" is a group of blogger/hackers that has thrown its support behind the movement and is clearly calling for an end to central banking. But it is only one voice among many. Here's some more from Jones's press release:
Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.
Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don't wait for orders from headquarters– go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.
The unfortunate lack of focus on central banking by Occupy Wall Street protestors is in line with the protests against Money Power in the past (some of them controlled). The powers-that-be are very protective of their franchise to print money and will go to almost any lengths to guard it. One important method that the Anglosphere power elite that controls central banks uses is misdirection. Fingers are constantly pointed at "greedy bankers" and the "exploitation" of Wall Street.
Money Power encourages protests against the private sector and the use of government (which it controls) to rein in banking and investment abuses. But at the end of the day, nothing really changes because Western governments are subject to regulatory capture. Inevitably, the public instruments that protestors seek to use are perverted over time, laws are gradually reconfigured and nothing really changes. In fact, things usually get worse.
Attempts to use democratic methodologies to "reform" the system are likely doomed to failure. History shows this. The great reconfiguration of Wall Street in the 1930s did nothing to change the system fundamentally and in fact only enshrined abuses by using regulation to build barriers to entry that left the powers-that-be more powerful than ever.
As radical as it sounds, the one solution to the endless crises of Western economies would be to shut down central banking – to "end the Fed" as Congressman Ron Paul has written. Alex Jones's efforts should be seen within the parameters of this larger goal. Read more>>