by Tony Cartalucci
October 4, 2011 – This is a work in progress and will get updates as time goes on. Much of this hasn’t been published on Land Destroyer before – however – some of it, including all of #4 is taken from previous articles. The idea is to get most of this up as quickly as possible, to show people who to direct their anger toward and how to rectify the crisis America faces, then refine and add to it as the protests continue. Updates will be added in this section with dates. Readers are free to use any of the graphics or sections in their own work.
1. The Federal Reserve Directors
2. The Group of Thirty
3. President Obama’s Cabinet, Past Present
4. America’s Unelected Policy Makers Their Corporate Sponsors
5. Solutions

Photo: (left to right) Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Kenneth Chenault of American Express, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America and Edward Yingling of the American Bankers Association. These are some of the people who really run America, everyone else is for public relations, deflecting public ire, and placating the masses.

Photo: James ‘Jamie’ Dimon of JP Morgan, another banker who received a bailout from the Federal Reserve, is in fact also a Federal Reserve director. Indeed, the Federal Reserve is run by private bankers, for private bankers, who can bend American monetary policy to their will on a whim (with a little help from the lies of the corporate-media.)
As Americans begin pouring into the streets with dissatisfaction, there seems to be some confusion as to who the source of their problem is. That ‘who’ is a corporate-financier oligarchy that has been destroying America for nearly a century and until now, has done a good job of parasitically feeding from America in the shadows. They are not the “1%.”
They are the 1% of the 1%. They are billionaire banksters like George Soros, James Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, the Rothschilds, the Federal Reserve and the directors and chairmen of many of the largest corporations on earth including big oil, the military industrial complex, big pharma, big agri, and the corporate media who combine their resources and collective agenda in self-contrived institutions, think-tanks, and working groups to dominate humanity. Some of these include the Brookings Institution, the International Crisis Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Foreign Policy Initiative, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
Below you will see a growing list of these names, companies, corporations, institutions, their agendas and how they interrelate. One thing that should be abundantly clear as one reaches the bottom, is that most of these names are reoccurring and the solution is self-evident. Many of these names are corporations, banks, and institutions we pay into on a daily basis. The solution of course, should we conclude they are indeed the problem, is to no longer pay into them with our time, money, energy, and attention.
1. The Federal Reserve Directors
The Federal Reserve is an unelected, private cartel of bankers who dictate to America, including its elected representatives, the United States’ monetary policy. They generally do so with little or no oversight, lie to those charged with inquiring into their activities, and literally conspire against the American people through an additional corporate cartel their associations afford them that uses its vast power, influence, and operational capabilities to lord over the American public.

Image: A selection of mega-corporations and institutions that are represented by acting Federal Reserve directors. The incestuous relationship between banks, education, law, big oil, the military industrial complex and the US government has clearly reached a level of certifiable corporate-fascism.
The entire list of Federal Reserve directors can be found on their website, and includes the following perpetrators; James ‘Jamie’ Dimon of JP Morgan, James S. Tisch of the Loews Corporation, Lee C. Bollinger President of Columbia University, Michael F. Camardo formally of Lockheed Martin, Thomas I. Barkin of McKinsey Company, Richard H. Anderson of Delta Airlines, Michael A. Cook of Walmart, Patricia E. Yarrington of Chevron, and many more.
2. The Group of Thirty
The Group of Thirty describes itself as “a private, nonprofit, international body composed of very senior representatives of the private and public sectors and academia,” that aims to “deepen understanding of international economic and financial issues, to explore the international repercussions of decisions taken in the public and private sectors, and to examine the choices available to market practitioners and policymakers.” A list of the group’s members can be found on their website. (Click on the images below to enlarge.)

In reality, these are the policymakers; unelected, unaccountable bankers and corporate heads that literally write the destiny of the West and an increasing proportion of the developing world. The average person, saturated by lies, puppet politicians, crass entertainment, and false political choices most likely hasn’t see a single face that makes up the Group of Thirty. This is the entire idea behind the corporate media and the parade of spectacles and distractions brought before the American public – so that you never take time to notice the Group of Thirty.
Should the American people notice them, and the amount of unwarranted power they have illegally accumulated within their hands, the people would mobilize to dethrone these self-appointed arbiters of America’s destiny.
3. President Obama’s Cabinet, Past Present
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