Posted by Charleston Voice, 4.7.2012
Who IS Van Jones? See links at end of article...
“They’re really not going to like the 99 percent Spring,” said Rebuild the Dream in an organizing email Friday.
Comparing the collection of protests last year that are symbolized by the 99 percent campaign and Occupy movement, to those of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., the group said that “we were all inspired by the protesters of the Arab Spring who stood up to totalitarian governments, and inspired the Occupy movement here in America.”
The plan for now is to hold protest training sessions around the nation next week. Over 900 are scheduled so far.
Once ready, the group and dozens of others, notably and labor unions, will launch the “99 Percent Spring” offensive against government and financial centers.
“We're at a crossroads as a country. In recent years, millions have lost their jobs, homes have been foreclosed, and an unconscionable number of children live in poverty. We have to stand up to the people who caused of all this and confront the rampant greed and deliberate manipulation of our democracy and our economy by a tiny minority in the 1%,” said Caroline Murray, of Rebuild the Dream Innovation Fund, in the organizing email. Source
Who IS Van Jones? See links at end of article...
All Marxists Welcome!
An Egypt-styled “Arab Spring,” which has put radicals in charge of the government, will be launched in the United States this spring with a war on “corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption of the 1 percent,” according to the group headed by former Obama green aide Van Jones.
“They’re really not going to like the 99 percent Spring,” said Rebuild the Dream in an organizing email Friday.
Comparing the collection of protests last year that are symbolized by the 99 percent campaign and Occupy movement, to those of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., the group said that “we were all inspired by the protesters of the Arab Spring who stood up to totalitarian governments, and inspired the Occupy movement here in America.”
The plan for now is to hold protest training sessions around the nation next week. Over 900 are scheduled so far.
Once ready, the group and dozens of others, notably and labor unions, will launch the “99 Percent Spring” offensive against government and financial centers.
“We're at a crossroads as a country. In recent years, millions have lost their jobs, homes have been foreclosed, and an unconscionable number of children live in poverty. We have to stand up to the people who caused of all this and confront the rampant greed and deliberate manipulation of our democracy and our economy by a tiny minority in the 1%,” said Caroline Murray, of Rebuild the Dream Innovation Fund, in the organizing email. Source
Charleston Voice Links on Van Jones:
Oct 9, 2011 ... Van Jones Media Mouthpiece Caught Taking Russian Cash.
Nov 2, 2011 ... Van Jones reports that Planned Parenthood is only one of many groups to join his “Rebuild the American Dream” movement — which, ... |
Sep 9, 2011 ... SPLC Director James Rucker is also the executive director of an organization called "Color of Change" that was founded by one Van Jones, ... |
Dec 9, 2011 ... One of these was Van Jones, another man who called himself a communist; and former communications director Anita Dunn, who said that ... |
Sep 15, 2011 ... Van Jones. Green Jobs Czar. (since resigned).. Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who ... |
Oct 16, 2011 ... In addition, Van Jones, the controversial former Obama “Green Jobs” czar- nominee, has also praised the revolutionary nature of the protests ... |
Nov 12, 2011 ... The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights was founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones. This anti-poverty organization claims that ... |