As it's becoming apparent our country is being overrun, it's time for state governors to adorn a mantel of responsibility for the safety of their citizens. Order home the national guards from foreign deployment, establish operational relationships as well with their respective State Defense Force. Expel federal troops, ICE, Homeland, and nuisance agencies from state sovereign land.
Nullification is the people's tool - use it! Afterall, if the federal government is incapable, or criminally deliberate in disrupting our society, culture, sovereignty and economics, let the people participate in their own defense!
Nullification is the people's tool - use it! Afterall, if the federal government is incapable, or criminally deliberate in disrupting our society, culture, sovereignty and economics, let the people participate in their own defense!
The volunteer militia remained in continuous service throughout the 1700’s and 1800’s. During the War Between the States Georgia responded with over 100 volunteer regiments, battalions, and batteries. This volunteer commitment was second only in number to the State of Virginia.
During World War II, the 8,000 members of the volunteer militia force guarded war plants, critical communications facilities, utilities, reservoirs, and transportation facilities. Although not officially disorganized until 1951, the Georgia State Guard began its retirement in July 1946. The Georgia State Defense Force was re-authorized in 1973.
Today, the Georgia State Defense Force is authorized under the Official Code of Georgia, Title 38. The Georgia Department of Defense is comprised of the Army National Guard, the Air Guard and the State Defense Force, all of whom serve under the direction of the Adjutant General of Georgia. Source
State Defense Force
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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State defense forces: army units highlighted in red, naval units in blue, those with both in green, inactive in purple. |
State defense forces (SDF) (also known as state guards, state military reserves, or state militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are partially regulated by the National Guard Bureau but they are not a part of the Army National Guard of the United States.[1] State defense forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state.
State defense forces are distinct from their state's National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities (all state National Guard personnel can be federalized under the National Defense Act of 1933 with the creation of the National Guard of the United States).[2] The federal government recognizes state defense forces under 32 U.S.C. § 109 which provides that state defense forces as a whole may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the armed forces of the United States, thus preserving their separation from the National Guard. However, under the same law, individual members serving in the state defense force are not exempt from service in the armed forces (i.e., they are not excluded from the draft). Under 32 USC § 109(e), "A person may not become a member of a defense force . . . if he is a member of a reserve component of the armed forces."
Nearly every state has laws authorizing state defense forces, and 22 states, plus Puerto Rico, have active SDFs with different levels of activity, support, and strength. State defense forces generally operate with emergency management and homeland security missions. Most SDFs are organized as army units, but air and naval units also exist.[3][4]
From its founding until the early 1900s, the United States maintained only a minimal army and relied on state militias to supply the majority of its troops.[5] As a result of the Spanish-American War, Congress was called upon to reform and regulate the training and qualification of state militias. In 1903, with passage of the Dick Act, the predecessor to the modern-day National Guard was formed. It required the states to divide their militias into two sections. The law recommended the title "National Guard" for the first section, known as the organized militia, and "Reserve Militia" for all others.[6]
During World War I, Congress authorized the states to maintain Home Guards, which were reserve forces outside the National Guards being deployed by the Federal Government. The Secretary of War was authorized to furnish these units with rifles, ammunition, and supplies.[7]
In 1933, Congress finalized the split between the National Guard and the traditional state militias by mandating that all federally funded soldiers take a dual enlistment/commission and thus enter both the state National Guard and the newly created National Guard of the United States, a federal reserve force. In 1940, with the onset of World War II and as a result of its federalizing the National Guard, Congress amended the National Defense Act of 1916, and authorized the states to maintain "military forces other than National Guard."[8] This law authorized the War Department to train and arm the new military forces that would come to be known as State Guards. Many states took advantage of this law and maintained distinct state military forces throughout the war to defend their own territories, shorelines, and airspaces.
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Check out your own state below. If not listed, go here. (If you're a vet, I bet they'd appreciate your interest):
Alaska State Defense Force
California State Military Reserve
Connecticut - Governor's Foot and Horse Guard Units
Georgia State Defense Force
Indiana Guard Reserve
Louisiana State Guard (Louisiana State Military Department)
Maryland State Defense Force
Massachusetts State Defense Force
Michigan Volunteer Defense Force
Mississippi State Guard
New Mexico
New Mexico State Guard
New York
New York Guard
Ohio Military Reserve
Ohio Naval Militia
Oregon Oregon State Defense Force
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico State Guard
South Carolina
South Carolina State Guard
Tennessee State Guard
Texas State Guard
Vermont State Guard
Virginia State Defense Force
Washington State Guard
Check out your own state below. If not listed, go here. (If you're a vet, I bet they'd appreciate your interest):
Alaska State Defense Force
California State Military Reserve
Connecticut - Governor's Foot and Horse Guard Units
Georgia State Defense Force
Indiana Guard Reserve
Louisiana State Guard (Louisiana State Military Department)
Maryland State Defense Force
Massachusetts State Defense Force
Michigan Volunteer Defense Force
Mississippi State Guard
New Mexico
New Mexico State Guard
New York
New York Guard
Ohio Military Reserve
Ohio Naval Militia
Oregon Oregon State Defense Force
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico State Guard
South Carolina
South Carolina State Guard
Tennessee State Guard
Texas State Guard
Vermont State Guard
Virginia State Defense Force
Washington State Guard