How our tax money goes to pay for overthrowing other regimes by death. Regimes that are of absolutely no threat to America.

From a longtime trusted subscriber:
Rcvd & posted: 09.19.14
"Been meaning to write to you. My wife is from the former USSR and she talked with her mom the other day. Evidently a woman from the village where my wife grew up invited their daughter and her husband/family to come live with them in their republic/country outside of Ukraine about a month ago.
There is no fighting in the woman's village but her daughter lives in _[censored]_ eastern Ukraine and there had been constant shelling and shooting which has made the daughter very scared/worried for herself and family.Daughter and her husband/family moved to the mother's and the mother got her son in law a job in a near by city doing construction for $120/month but she let them live in her house for free and help provide them with food, etc.. After a few weeks the husband said they were moving back to Ukraine saying "The American government paid me $100 a day to revolt in Kiev square to oust Yanoukovich, why would I work here for $120/month". He then proceeded to say that "I've been told that the American's are going to be paying again soon for more protests in Kiev and I would rather go there and get paid to protest than work here and get next to nothing".It just so happened that a new round of protests and fires started in Kiev this week. Thought you might like to hear that story."